Atlas Wrestling
Club Registration
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2023 Club registration
Indicates required field
Select One
2023 Full Season $100
2023 Part Time/JR High Wrestler (1 day a week) $50
Wrestlers Age/s
Wrestlers Years of Experience
Shirt Size
Choose one
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult XL
Adult XXL
2nd wrestler
2nd wrestler shirt
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult XL
Adult XXL
3rd wrestler
[object Object]
3rd wrestler shirt
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Adult small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult XL
Adult XXL
Emergency contact Number
Parent Shirts. $15 please write size/Quantity
Acknowledgement of Risk
By signing below I hereby consent to the above named child in participating in athletics. This consent includes travel to and from contests, training on public roadways, practice sessions, and other related events. By signing, I hereby acknowledge that I have reviewed and understand the information contained in this form, including the Head Injury Policy Guidelines, and that I have been advised, cautioned, and warned by athletics personnel and/or club officials about the risk of injuries associated with participation in athletic activities and sporting events, under Utah law, and which includes but is not limited to, intramural camps, tryouts, practices, and competitions for the club, club sports, or other activities where injuries are likely to occur. I am fully aware that participation in such athletic activities and sporting events exposes athletes to the risk of injury, ranging from, minor, to severe, including but not limited to: sprains, fractures, partial or complete impairment of limbs, brain injury, paralysis, and even death. I understand that coach instruction, protective equipment, and medical care provided do not eliminate these risks. I have addressed any questions or concerns with coaches or other club officials. Having been so cautioned and warned, it is still my desire to allow the above named child to participate in athletic activities and sporting events, and I do so with full knowledge and understanding of the risks involved. Neither Atlas Wrestling Club or coaches nor any organization providing medical contracted service or advice to athletes shall be liable for any obligation incurred by the other. Parents and/or legal guardians are always free to seek medical services or advice from their own health care professionals.
Removal of Injured athletes
A concussion is the most common type of traumatic head injury that interferes with normal function of the brain. It occurs when the brain is rocked back and forth or twisted inside the skull as the result of a blow to the head or body. Any athletes suspected of sustaining a concussion or traumatic head injury shall be immediately removed from any activity, including but not limited to sporting events, as that term is defined under Utah law, including interscholastic or intramural games, practices, sports camps, competitions, and tryouts for school sanctioned sports, club sports, or other activities where injuries are likely to occur. Our club will abide by the rule: “When in doubt, sit’ em out
**You are accepting ALL Risks and Consequences of being exposed to, or Contracting Covid-19**
By checking "Yes" you are stating that you are the legal guardian of above wrestler/s & You have fully read our acknowledgment of Risk waiver and fully agree with it